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Business Consulting

So, you want to become a professional? Find tips on the best business consulting practices and learn how to create a professional image for yourself for any business.

So, You Want To Become A Professional ?

by Anne Ahira

So, You Want To Become A Professional ? What does it take to be measured a professional? Well, creating a professional image for any business is not easy. [more]

Make your Mark by Building Your Reputation

by Paul Duxbury

If you have to part with your hard-earned money for some goods or services, who would you rather trust: a novice provider or an expert one? The answer to that question is what makes branding so much important. [more]

Are You One of the New Disposable Workers?

by John Van Doren

At the beginning of the 1900's the industrial revolution was the new engine of the american economy and workers were a disposable commodity. The typical worker lined up at the factory door each morning before dawn hoping to hired on the for the day. [more]

Work Ethics and the Customer

by Akinori Furukoshi

This short story, Work Ethics and the Customer, is part of AlphaMeasure's compilation, Tales from the Corporate Frontlines. It provides a view from the customer's side of the counter that might inspire you to rethink the old phrase "the customer is king". [more]

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